Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Reinvention of Pluto

I wasn't always an Astrologer.

But I have Pluto prominent in my First House.

Pluto in the First can suggest a difficult birth (especially if it's joined to the Ascendent) or difficult beginnings. Any planet in the First is what people will see... when they see you. They can't help it. You come towards them. It comes towards them. Thus, Pluto. People see my Pluto. And I often wish they didn't.

Those of you familiar with Pluto's keywords or archetypes or imagery will understand. Pluto the creator. Pluto the destroyer. Pluto, God of the Underworld, mining. Pluto (associated with the sign of Scorpio) causing slow slow slow inevitable transformation. Will you go peacefully? Or will you go kicking and screaming? Pluto doesn't ask those questions but Pluto waits for the answer and does what it needs to do: change you.

With Pluto in the First House, one's identity will go through many transformations. And I can say this has been true in my case.

And it's not as though the "old you" never existed but that part of you or many parts of you had to change, had to burn up, and had to rise again.


Anonymous said...

Hello Brooklyn Astrologer. Love the pictures of New York. I would love to read more about the Moon-Pluto transformations you talk about.


Aliza said...

Hello Kingsley! Nice to see you. I'm happy you love the New York pictures. Finally a place for me to put them...

The question you ask about my Moon Pluto transformations, did you mean for me personally... or in general?

A good blog topic I hope to cover soon...

Anonymous said...

doesn't matter BA, I am sure you have a good knowledge of moon pluto by now, why don't you choose what to write
