Monday, February 18, 2008

Pisces Season

Pisces rules my 7th House so I thought this picture would be appropriate: a bride being fitted for her wedding. I'm not much of a technical photographer and used the zoom feature on my digital camera. So it's blurry. But you get the idea.

The 7th House is Partnership. It's marriage or business or contracts. It's close. It's 1:1. It's associated with the sign of Libra. I have Pallas Athena in that house and I wonder: am I to be the protector or the protected? Or both? The strategist at love? Or the strategist in love?

Yesterday I had a reading with a client who is an artist. Early Scorpio Sun. Late Libra Moon. Packed 7th House. With Pluto tenanted there! And Uranus. I dug in. I connected with that chart. A busy 8th House too. No wonder she was open to what I had to say. The Moon was in Cancer that day (until it went Void of Course).

So I call this post Pisces Season because that's where we are headed now. Aquarian days are winding down. We are going from the mental processes (Aquarian Air) to the flow of the body and spirit (Piscean water).

More on this soon....

Blog Beginnings

No, I'm not going to talk about Mercury going "direct" for my first post on this blog.

Even though I have a Virgo emphasis in my natal chart and Gemini at my Mid-Heaven, I usually feel the "up side" of the Retrograde period: all that business about reviewing and re-doing. And remembering. And I just kind of hold on. I hold on and I think: well, whatever got all messed up, if anything did, will right itself when the Retrograde period ends.

I did have a slight problem with my mobile phone but I got it fixed with a quick call to customer service. And perhaps it's only fitting, in a mercurial kind of way, to begin a blog so close to "direct motion."

After all, I'd been meaning to begin an Astrology blog for a while now and since I've started doing readings for people, I wanted to create a space where the astro-obsessed could go and read a little, reflect a little, comment. Easy going. I probably won't write about the politics of the planets, the love lives of celebrities, or what Pluto entering Capricorn means for the Pluto in Capricorn generation. This blog will take a more personal approach.

And I welcome your feedback :)