Thursday, February 21, 2008

Love Squared

There was a moment today when I suddenly felt acutely lonely. You see, I have a special person in my life but our relationship is long distance in more ways than one: I have a Venus Saturn square. He has a Venus Saturn opposition. And that's just part of the story.

At the moment neither of us is doing our "negative" Venus (love/value) Saturn (restriction/fear) . We are being sweet and caring and attentive. I feel lucky and blessed to have him (our Jupiters are conjunct). But we also have squares. Squares and squares and squares. This makes for some tension. An up side to this is that the squares are in cardinal signs. So we can move through it.

But sometimes the astrology doesn't explain it all. There is something that happens between people that goes beyond human interpretation. Or understanding. It's mystery. (It's the High Priestess of the Tarot:)

Some connections, some spirits must meet up, God knows why.

I was on the phone this morning with a friend and she said "squares ARE a connection."

At the time I didn't reconze the depth of what she said, how true it was.

So the hard aspects can bring people together just as the softer aspects do. But will these aspects keep them together...

How I Love Thee Sun Venus

Sun Venus conjunct is my favorite "personal" aspect. What I mean is this: I drawn to folk who have this configuration in their birth charts and recently looked at the charts of two ex-boyfriends and they both had it! (Although in different signs and houses.)

Now a fellow astrologer I respect (never met him though) says he doesn't like this aspect. He also has it in his chart. He says his Sun burns up that Venus. And I'd heard something similar before.

Well, I can't and won't dispute how it feels for him.

But for me it's a magnetic attraction. I'm pulled in. That Sun Venus creates a cloud of loveliness around the person.

My meditation instructor also has this aspect in his chart, in Aries in the Eighth House. From the moment I met him, I wanted to be his friend. His manner was so warm and welcoming. And so real. And I suppose my Moon Pluto conjunction is always comfy with Eighth House people.

To be continued...

Sexy Saturn

The Ninth House bores me. I have Saturn there. Travel? I'm a Cancerian homebody. Foreign culture? Okay sure, that's fine. I have friends from around the world. Religion, God? Yeah, I'm with you there. I think about God a lot. Philosophy of life? Okay. But my Saturn is in Taurus. I get kind of fixed. Fixated. Higher education? I have my MFA. Publishing? Anyone who knows me knows I do another kind of writing and am frustrating by publishing. I feel restricted, to say the least. I did publish when I first graduated then I stopped trying for some years. Now I am trying again. It's slow going. Thanks Saturn.

Saturn is the teacher. Saturn is serious. Saturn is authority (thus, the police officer posted above).

Saturn, they say, is your work. Saturn, they say, makes you work. Some even say there will be reward for all this work. IF you work. If you learn your lesson. Saturn, dear Saturn, always has a lesson.

My astrologer in Iowa (yes, astrologers need other astrologers!) tells me that Saturn does not deny you (I can hear her voice saying this) but it does delay.

And it's a funny little karma (karma also is Saturn): this thing I long for so much, this thing I value (Venus) squares my Saturn (restriction) in the 9th house of publishing.

Saturn is not sexy. Pluto is, hell yes. Maybe even Uranus with its weird tastes and sudden excitements. Neptune while not so sexy is larger than life, supersize spirituality, illusion and delusion.

But Saturn? No. Not sexy.