Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hurry up Mars!

Wasn't sure what was up. Why was I feeling so angry, so frustrated?

I'd been under a Mars Pluto square for a couple months (and perhaps that is enough reason!) but now it was supposedly OVER. Mars in Gemini (Tenth House) pushing on my Moon Pluto conjunction in Virgo (First House). Mutable energy, emotional.

I kept looking at my ephemeris, hoping: did it pass yet? did it move yet? Where's Mars? Move Mars move! Hurry up! And now Mars is finally off my Pluto, but I felt more ornery than ever today. They say the stars, the aspects, don't run on train time... (And honestly I know the square is still affecting me but I wanted to pretend that it was done!)

I remember when Mars was applying to my Moon Pluto: I got sick. A bad flu. And there I was hoping to stay out of harm's way, not make any waves, make sure to say please and thank you to everyone, not inspire anyone's Mars in my direction... but it turned out that it manifested, mainly, in my body (First House).

It's fascinating to watch an aspect move through the chart, especially when I can really feel it. And I felt this one. Mars is our energy, our drive. Our sexuality, our violence. Our war. And the war can happen inside.

And I chose that photograph for this post because it's exactly what my body and spirit need right now. To sit like the Buddha, to sit still, and breathe. And breathe. And breathe.

And breathe.


Starra said...

Aliza, I love the blog! Wonderful photos and information. You are so creative.

I shall sit and breathe with you next Tuesday at Mediation!

Starra : )

Aliza said...

Aw, thanks Starra. You are the best :)