Thursday, February 21, 2008

Love Squared

There was a moment today when I suddenly felt acutely lonely. You see, I have a special person in my life but our relationship is long distance in more ways than one: I have a Venus Saturn square. He has a Venus Saturn opposition. And that's just part of the story.

At the moment neither of us is doing our "negative" Venus (love/value) Saturn (restriction/fear) . We are being sweet and caring and attentive. I feel lucky and blessed to have him (our Jupiters are conjunct). But we also have squares. Squares and squares and squares. This makes for some tension. An up side to this is that the squares are in cardinal signs. So we can move through it.

But sometimes the astrology doesn't explain it all. There is something that happens between people that goes beyond human interpretation. Or understanding. It's mystery. (It's the High Priestess of the Tarot:)

Some connections, some spirits must meet up, God knows why.

I was on the phone this morning with a friend and she said "squares ARE a connection."

At the time I didn't reconze the depth of what she said, how true it was.

So the hard aspects can bring people together just as the softer aspects do. But will these aspects keep them together...


Anonymous said...

I guess even though the squares seem hard, versus easy Aliza at least your Pluto has something to work with. Squares are the "glue" that bind relationships. If it was all easy, then there would be limited growth or relationship requirement.

I have copied the picture of the gate Aliza. Can you tell me where that gate leads to? Is it an undertaker by chance?


Aliza said...

Kingsley, right again... I agree with you about the glue.

I guess it was just that we have SO MANY squares that (and a couple of conjunctions... maybe a sextile or two, a trine...) that I was a little suprised.

You should blog on this topic (synastry) I wonder what your Chiron Moon has to say about it....

Can't remember where the gate leads to but as I wrote before, the sign was literally telling people not to hang up any flyers.